
Unapologetically You - Live Fearless & Without Regret

Hey girl, this is just a reminder to keep shining and being you - continue to live fearlessly and proud. Your crown grows toward the heavens and you skin has been kissed by the sun, you are walking perfection. It’s time for the American “Black” woman to stop the bullshit and get right with self. A lot of brown-skin women have been walking this earth with blinders on, seemingly okay with the narrative we let society create for us. We’ve been conditioned into believing in and creating limited & small worlds for ourselves. Constantly being taught and shown your lack of worth on a regular is beyond mind numbing.

Unfortunately, we’ve been conditioned for decades to just “take it;” take the bullshit, take the abuse, take the hate, take the glares, take the disrespect, take the beatings, take the kids, take the weight, take the burden, take the fault. Take

Fuck. That. Shit. We’re actually Brilliant. Beautiful. Multi-Toned. Healing. Imitated. Mimicked. Breathtaking. Motherly. Strong. Rich. Savvy. Sporty. Clever. Marvelous. Godly.

Be bold, be you, live fiercely, love true you are unlike any other being on this earth. Don't apologize for being authentically you, own every perfection and own every flaw. Ahead lies a healthier vision of self-worth without fear of the static & noise in your rearview.

Sisterly Love - Where MY Girls At?

We humans tend to become content, predictable if you will and we seem to be fine with it. Maybe it has to do with getting older, maybe it has something to do with the 21st century and technology, or maybe it’s just the nature of things; we grow in & out of relationships. We connect less. The more advanced we become the more seemingly withdrawn we are. But what does that have to do with you nurturing the friendships you do have?

Real friendships are free - make good on promises, be there for one another and most importantly make time for one another. And no, you don’t have to spend money in order to have fun. From picnics on the beach, hiking a state trail, heck even window shopping at the mall; a little girl time goes a long way. If you do happen to have a little cash to spend, consider Groupon, road trips or events where costs can be split. Hell host a potluck sleepover you provide the space and some refreshments and have the ladies bring additional beverages and favors. We are all about creating moments that will last a lifetime, a little laughter and bonding goes a long way.

The world we live in is challenging enough - we brown skin ladies need to embrace one another and continue to build on the relationships we have cultivated as well as seek out new acquaintances and potential life long friends. Only we know what it’s like to walk in this beautiful skin of ours - let’s connect and share with one another. We as women need to continue to learn from one another and always band together when in need. We have strength in numbers and we are so much stronger than the rest of the world wants to give us credit for, especially when we are together. Let’s do better and be better to each other - call up your sister, bestie, neighbor, cousin, auntie, mom, granny call your favorite gal up or just make the time.