Beauty truly comes with age and experience - life can either make the most beautiful creatures out of us or the most vile and truly wretched out of us. It’s all up to you and how you’d like your future self to end up. If you’re one of the fortunate ones, you will be blessed with a long life, trials and maybe a few tribulations but in the end you will be better for it and so will the world around you. No one will ever walk in your shoes, it’s all you,
Since it’s just you walking your life’s path, what will you do while on your journey? What routes will you take? Are there any detours? Maybe a few bumps in the road? Who knows? Life is what it is (what you’ve made it), but that doesn’t mean you have to remain stuck in a ditch. That does not define you. We have so much free will it’s nauseating. How will you leave your mark? What have you selflessly done for someone else lately? You have truly earned every minute and second accumulated on this earth (for better or worse) - what have you OR will you continue to do with your time?
Life, yes, is what you make of it - step outside & take a look at what you’ve made of yours. Things don’t have to be perfect, but you should feel the light & damn good about what you have created and what you will continue to create. Here’s to you; mature brown, seasoned sand, everlasting ebony - we are so thankful for you. We appreciate you & we are here for you. Keep the community going.
We have vibrantly youthful living breathing history right in our homes, communities, countries and beyond. Yield & cater to them, because without them yo ass wouldn’t even have the privileges you take for granted and you probably wouldn’t even be here. Period.
See the beauty of the, life lived within one another…