Good Reads - Get Lost In A Book

There is nothing like diving into a good book - getting lost in a far away land, an alternate time, or even someone’s true life tale. Reading looks so good on you - an educated, well read woman is the best looking thing on the planet. Find your peace and decompress in a cozy corner at home, your favorite park, even the library; there are so many amazing places to pop a squat and read a juicy tale.

Start a book club - you get to drink wine, catch up with your book worm squad and have meaningful debates and conversations. Besides, when was the last time you had quality human interactions? Exactly, it’s been far too long! There are really no excuses as to why you have yet to pick up a book or e-reader, read before you go to bed, on the bus or train, or even on your lunch break; there is more than enough time in a day to find your you time. Expand your world and your mind one tale at a time, reading is so sexy. Today is the day - pick up that book that’s been collecting dust in the corner and get to reading it.