First Aid Beauty - Ultra Repair Cream & Facial Radiance Pads
Cost: $ - $$
Pros: Perfect for all skin types: oily, dry and combination skin and it’s a clean at Sephora item, bonus!!
Cons: We don’t have any yet - we will continue to use and update you with any changes, this product was used with the Radiance Facial Pads.
PBB Results: Soft & bright - products were used on freshly cleansed skin. The Radiance Pads first then the Repair Cream. Our skin felt light and supple we kept touching our skin. Brighten, hydrate and protect your skin with this winning combo.
Tip: Be sure to use the Radiance Pads & Repair Cream together in your day or night regimen for the best results. We really love using this combo at night before bed please be sure to wear your SPF during the day.
Where to find: First Aid Beauty Repair Cream & Radiance Pads | Sephora